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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Teledentistry - The Paradigm Shift

The pandemic has set forth many unprecedented challenges for every business including the dental health sector. Figuring out how to triage patients without the face-to-face option, bring in revenue, and maintain staffing levels are just a few of the issues that dentists experienced. To mitigate the multitude of risks and offer the dental industry a wonderful solution, The TeleDentists introduced teledentistry into the equation. Teledentistry in itself is the amalgamation of telehealth and dentistry to offer incredible online dental services for patients across the globe. Through agile patient engagement methods, The TeleDentists will keep dentists connected to their patients always. By adding a custom website link to an existing website, dentists can communicate the available appointment slots to their patients instantly. Dentists can also sign up to provide online consultations.

The TeleDentists offers dentists a HIPAA-compliant teledentistry method to stay connected with their current patients of record and connect with new patients seeking a dentist. Teledentistry eliminates the need to step out of space to consult the dentists, while still providing the best advice. It also gives the dentist the opportunity to triage dental emergency calls and determine how many members of the dental team will be needed to treat the patient in-office. Definitely, teledentistry has made consultation during the pandemic much easier. “At the end of the day, you want to provide dental care,” says Dr. Maria Kunstadter, the founder of The TeleDentists. “By staying in close contact with your patients and helping them when they really need it, you’ll be on a good footing when you reopen. You’ll be able to schedule those people and say let’s get that filling fixed now,” she added.

The primary services provided by The TeleDentists are remediation, e-prescribing, and referrals to an on-site dentist if necessary. The service is available direct-to-the-consumer on their website and through insurance companies, hospital ERs, and clinics.  The TeleDentists aim to be anywhere a patient presents with a dental emergency and their vision is to increase access to oral healthcare worldwide. The TeleDentists will lead the industry into several key new initiatives by the end of 2021 including increased consumer awareness, integration with electronic medical records, automated claims processing, medical-dental integration,

expanded e-commerce with the ability to promote dental products, and the first steps into remote patient monitoring via the availability of an innovative intraoral camera. Future innovation will incorporate the use of Artificial Intelligence and international expansion as well.

According to the vision of The TeleDentists, they are providing a new dimension to virtual dental care and offer immediate assistance round the clock. A very next-day appointment can be scheduled once the diagnosis is done. The company brings in numerous benefits of virtual dental care to make the patient’s life easier.

The TeleDentists offers enhanced access to dental care and pain relief for patients. Also, they help avoid unnecessary and expensive trips to the practices. The TeleDentists helps dentists by keeping them connected with the patients as well as catalyzes the process of bringing in new patients. Furthermore, unmet market needs are solved due to various services provided by The TeleDentists.

“Today, over six million people annually experience an urgent dental problem but lack access to a regular dentist or are unable to find a dentist who can see them quickly. Hospital Emergency Department (ED) dental visits are significant and costly public health problems. The American Dental Association documents over two million annual ED visits in the US for nontraumatic dental problems. If the EDs are not equipped or staffed to provide definitive dental solutions, symptoms are treated, but problems remain unresolved. For all these problems, TeleDentists is the answer,” says Dr. Kunstadter.

“Offers dentists a HIPAA-compliant teledentistry method to stay connected with their current patients of record and connect with new patients seeking a dentist”


Drs. Maria Kunstadter and Michael Sigler


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