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Friday, March 14, 2025

COY: The Art Of Dentistry: Noris Medical

Innovation is a curious aspect. It often tests the mettle of the practitioners. There can be disruption in any monolithic industry where legacy processes have overshadowed perpetual advancement for years. But without tangible enterprise impact, innovation quickly wears off, leaving the effort and investments in vain. On a closer inspection, impactful industries like healthcare – especially dentistry, innovation should be life-changing developments like new-age abutments, esthetic enhancements, and futuristic prosthetic tools. The real doers are always people, the innovators who mold innovation and bring it to life. “It’s simple – ours is a humans-for-humans approach, and we strictly believe in only patient-centric innovation, no hearsay or fancy marvels. Noris Medical fills in the chronic gaps between clinicians and patients leveraging advanced technology stack and smart devices,” describes Liran Hagbi, CEO, Noris Medical. Noris Medical is directed by experienced physicians and professional engineers focusing on developing, designing, and building innovative products for the medical field.

“At the heart of our business is the idea of helping clinicians execute a predictable minimally invasive surgery. Plus, provide the doctor with prosthetic options to complete a reliable prosthetic restoration for their patient,” describes Hagbi. Noris Medical’s uniform restorative platform for the implants comprises ‘Classic’ and ‘Challenge’ lines. It ensures all restorative components are compatible and interchangeable – from simple single dental implant cases to complex multi-implant to zygomatic and pterygoid implants. What’s more, as the company bases on their home-grown Hex platform, a patient can experience the same level of treatment. Thanks to Noris Medical’s appetite for disruption.

What makes the smile sweeter

Here’s a comprehensive list of their implants and solutions that help patients relive their smiling and joyous gestures:

One-Piece implant: These unique implant designs allow the clinician and the patient to benefit from a restoration (whether one or multiple teeth) besides providing reliable support to a long-time denture wearer while introducing great value to the doctor and the patient. All this in a real-time and on-demand basis. 

Graft-less solution: Many patients, due to various reasons or circumstances, lose bone. With time the loss becomes worse. The doctor and patient previously fought this challenge by grafting the bone back from other sources. Now that had to be used to regain bone volume to allow for implant placement and restoration. This procedure lengthened the time of treatment and increased treatment morbidity. “We provide a solution for patients to have implants placed in their residual bone and allow those implants to support a prosthetic (teeth-bearing) device within a relatively short time, sometimes even the same day,” points out Hagbi.”This is where Noris’s main innovations come into play.”

We dive deeper into the graft-less solution suite:

Zygomatic implants: Noris was one of the first dental implant companies to embrace, improve the extra-maxillary approach to zygomatic implant surgery. It allows a better prosthesis fabrication that will be easier maintained by the patient and should provide them healthy years of service. The aggressively tapered thread allows reliable anchorage in the zygomatic bone for remote prosthetic support, and the machined extension supports the patient’s soft tissues. “The usage of prosthetics of customized range accommodates patients with maxillofacial deformities and gives them their life back in a day,” he adds.  

Pterygoid implants: Just like the Zygomatic implants provide anchorage for dental devices with bone outside the oral cavity, so do the pterygoid implants find their support in the pterygoid bone. Noris developed implants, instruments, and devices to predictably anchor implants in this bone. The bracing of implants into the pterygoid, when done properly provides a tremendous amount of torque support for the immediately loaded prosthesis.

Multi-Unit abutments (MUA): Implants are only part of the equation to graft-less solutions. To compensate for the variability in residual skeletal deformity of the patient’s jaw prosthetic components were developed by Noris Medical to help anchor dental prostheses to Zygomatic/Pterygoid/Routine implant placement combinations.

EZgoma: The EZgoma is a surgical guide and is a patented innovation developed and created by Noris Medical to predictably facilitate the placement of zygomatic pterygoid and routine implants all at once. In addition, the design allows attachments of supporting prosthetic components while the guide is still in place. 

The happy innovation culture

Hagbi attributes the success to an extraordinarily collaborative culture and a legacy built on trust and expandable strategy to help patients every time. A great mention is Noris Medical’s customer support, which Hagbi thinks “support is second to none.” During COVID, they foresaw an imminent surge in supply, so they started ramping up their inventory way earlier than other companies. On the human resource side, Noris Medical adopted a two-prong approach. “We trained our staff to improve production, inventory management, internal workflow, and synchronization with the outside international sales force. At the same time, we launched a free webinar series led by worldwide experts to ready the clinicians for the upcoming,” he informs. “In our courses and webinars, we integrate our sales, marketing, and biomedical personnel to avail ourselves to first person opinion and constructive dialogue in a continuous and on-going effort to improve and enhance our products and services.”

Future smiles back at Noris Medical

It was a humble start for them as an organization dedicated to bringing smiles back to people and ease the often-intricate medical processes. The beginning was in Israel and Europe, but right now, “we have opened in North and Latin America as well as Asia and the Middle East.” Regarding future development and innovation, they have pipelined products to enhance the clinician surgical experience and the patient outcome. “We are in the process of forming alliances with companies and OEMs to power up the doctors’ performance and execute rewarding and less-invasive graft procedures to help their patients,” concludes Hagbi.



COY: The Art Of Dentistry: Noris Medical

Liran Hagbi


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